You have reached the Myelitis Helpline, an online tool that was developed by The Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association to answer your questions about our organization and rare neuroimmune disorders, such as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, acute flaccid myelitis, MOG antibody disease, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, optic neuritis, and transverse myelitis.

The information on this site is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional medical advice, care, treatment or for diagnosis. Do not change your medication or regime without talking to your doctor first.

If you are not a member of SRNA, we encourage you to become a member by visiting this link. Membership is completely free and will allow you to stay up to date with our programs, events, and research.

Question Title

1. What is the diagnosis you or your family member has been given?

Question Title

2. Do you have any of the following conditions?